Youth-Led Research
Includes youth-initiated investigations and research carried out by youth engaged in school-based and community-based projects.
Cultivating Connections
The Hiatt Center for Urban Education is growing a community of inquiry among youth, school- and neighborhood-based educators, and university academics and students dedicated to creating educational spaces for youth to engage the world, inquire into possibilities, and become creators of new realities. By cultivating a research community that brings together multiple participants, perspectives, and methods, our focus is on building the deep human relationships and generating the practices, knowledge, and innovations needed to support more equitable and meaningful education.
No matter where you are in your research journey, explore some of the ways that the Hiatt Center can support you.
Youth-Led Research
Includes youth-initiated investigations and research carried out by youth engaged in school-based and community-based projects.
Educator-Led Research
Includes research carried out by educators from Pre K-12 schools and community-based settings.
Clark-Led Research
Includes research carried out primarily by Clark academics and students.
Jonas Clark Hall
Clark University
Worcester, Massachusetts 01610